inktkronkels (ink squiggles)

Portfolio ‘bar’ and cards made based on the design of a chocolate bar.

A small portfolio box looking like a chocolate bar. It is a yellow box with illustrated paper slid around it. On the illustrated paper is a pattern of black ink lines. A part of it is white and there is text in it. It says in Dutch: "Ambachtelijke Inktkronkels in pakjes en in schijfjes om op te spaghettiën zo kronkel voor kronkel of allen tezamen bijeen gelijk." This translates to: "Artisanal Ink squiggles in packs and in slices to eat squiggle by squiggle or together as a whole."
Portfolio ‘bar’
A small portfolio box looking like a chocolate bar. It is a yellow box with illustrated paper slid around it. On the illustrated paper is a pattern of black ink lines. A part of it is white and there is text in it. It says in Dutch: "Ambachtelijke Inktkronkels in pakjes en in schijfjes om op te spaghettiën zo kronkel voor kronkel of allen tezamen bijeen gelijk." This translates to: "Artisanal Ink squiggles in packs and in slices to eat squiggle by squiggle or together as a whole." On this photo the paper around it is slid up partly and a greater part of the yellow box is visible.
Portfolio bar, cover slid upwards
A small portfolio box looking like a chocolate bar. It is a yellow box with illustrated paper slid around it. On the illustrated paper is a pattern of black ink lines. A part of it is white and there is text in it. It says in Dutch: "Ambachtelijke Inktkronkels in pakjes en in schijfjes om op te spaghettiën zo kronkel voor kronkel of allen tezamen bijeen gelijk." This translates to: "Artisanal Ink squiggles in packs and in slices to eat squiggle by squiggle or together as a whole." On this photo the paper around it is slid off and is laying next to the plain yellow box.
The two parts of the packaging of the Portfolio ‘bar’.
The yellow box of the Portfolio 'bar'. A hand opens it and you can see the top of a series of cards in it.
Portfolio ‘bar’, opened
The yellow box of the Portfolio 'bar'. It is opened and you can see a series of cards sticking out. On the front card you can see the same text as on the packaging of the 'bar'.
Porfolio ‘bar’, inner cards
The yellow box of the Portfolio 'bar'. It is opened and you can see a series of cards sticking out. On the front card you can see the same text as on the packaging of the 'bar'.
Porfolio ‘bar’, inner cards laying down
The inner cards of the Portfolio 'bar' are removed from the yellow box and lay next to it. On the first card you can read the same text as on the packaging.
Portfolio ‘bar’, cards and yellow box
Example card. The first page of my comic 'De Huidge Uren' ('The Current Hours') is shown on the card, with the title in the right corner.
Portfolio card, ‘De Huidige Uren’ (front)
Example card. Two panels from my comic 'De Huidge Uren' ('The Current Hours') are shown on the card, with some informative text under it, like title, material used ...
Portfolio card, ‘De Huidige Uren’ (back)
Example card. An orange, white and green illustration is shown. It's an ad for Heinz Hot Ketchup. Different wierd little creatures are running around on a white ground, with two crazy buildings behind them. The heads of the creatures explode because the ketchup is so hot.
Porfolio card, ‘Heinz Hot Ketchup ad’ (front)
Example card. Back of the 'Heinz Hot Ketchup' card. Two parts of the illustration are shown in detail with some informative text under it, like title, material used ...
Portfolio card, ‘Heinz Hot Ketchup ad’ (back)